Adventures at home, abroad, and online

Month: August 2006

Day One – Woodbridge SP, Corning CA

After departing with my head full of stars, I stopped by Walnut Creek for a goodbye dinner with John and Joanne. Went to a very nice Thai place in Lawrenceville, where I ordered a dish that was far too hot. John told me I look like his maternal grandfather, who he will track down a picture of. It’s so funny making these new family connections, discovering genetic links I hadn’t known before. Worth more thought than these pages will hold.

Drove north from the Bay Area, out of the last real city I’ll see until Minneapolis. Sped across the central valley on I-5, where the average speed seemed to be 85. It’s hard to concentrate at that speed on a straight road at night, so I pulled off in Corning at a small state park. It’ll cost $14 to pitch a tent in a field, but that’s better than some dirty motel for thrice the price. Sitting in the dark, writing to the chirping crickets and the passing cars. Nice to see the stars again, after the interminable fog in Monterey. Off tomorrow to Lassen Volcano National Park, and then to Portland, where James awaits my triumphal arrival.

Space Cadets

Spent the last few days at the NASA Next Generation Exploration Conference. Yeah, I’m a dork. But unlike say, a Star Trek convention, the people at this epic gathering of dweebdom actually know something about seeking out new life, and boldly going where no one has gone before. The opportunity to chat with the chief mars scientist at JPL over a couple of beers is the impetus I need to continue pursuing an engineering education. Grades be damned, full speed ahead.

Ames Zepplin Hangar


Finishing my final piece of work for Clay, and filling out an evaluation form, gives me an opportunity to reflect on the internship experience. Certainly better than last summer, due to the pay, climate, and social circle. But I still don’t feel like I accomplished much. Sure, I wrote several short briefs which aided Clay’s research, and may be published on the web. But there were days where I didn’t really do much of anything. Janet reminds me that this is part of entering the work world, finding ones place in the capitalist machine. But if I have to be a cog, I’d rather be doing something I really enjoy doing, so I’m motivated by more than pay or the threat of being found out to be a slacker. I’d rather be actually doing cool stuff than just writing about it. Reconsidering the think tank/academia route, and re-enamored of building the future. As always, plans are subject to change. But at least I have this to fall back on.

Where’s Waldo?

Using the cyberhobo’s GeoMashup, I’ve started tagging posts with location data. This is used to create a map with the slick Google Maps API. For example, right now I’m at 460 Pacific Street, Monterey CA, or (36.599784,-121.896272) in decimal latitude and longitude. You can see a map of that location (where I should technically be doing actual work), by clicking the link above.

In the future, I’d like to get a GPS card and interface it with my email and WordPress, just like Randy Waterhouse in Cryptonomicon.

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