Adventures at home, abroad, and online


This is the world’s cutest moutain town. It’s got a castle on a cliff, overlooking a lake with a church on an island. Along the lake is a park, where ducks gather to feed from old men tossing them bread crumbs. Apparently it is also verboten to sleep in said park, as the nice uniformed Slovene policija informed us. After dinner of turkey Ljubljana-style (beaten down, breaded and fried), we heard a traditional band oompah-ing their way across the lake. This is some serious Slovenia right here.

Off to Zagreb tomorrow for the day and an overnight bus to Dubrovnik.

Bled hrad
H and the cute lake church
Triglav at sunset

Edit: found an internet cafe on, get this, Nikolai Tesla street in Zagreb.

Tesla ulica in Zagreb





1 Comment

  1. Jani

    I’ve resigned myself to checking the blog. It is clearly the way to follow this journey as that phone you’ve got clearly doesn’t reach the U.S.

    Slovenia sounds charming and is now added back on my list. It will be interesting to hear if/how Zagreb has changed in 25 years or whether it is still a struggling economy. Are the farms still tilled with oxen or has machinery finally taken hold?

    Enjoy the journey, it so beats work.

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