Today we showed our progress on RootIO to two members of the UNICEF Innovation Lab, Stefan Bock and BP Panwar. It was scheduled for 10am, but was delayed to the afternoon by other meeting conflicts. This was actually fine, and we used the spare hours to clean up some bugs and add extra functionality. Demo or die, right Chris?

We faced a few tough questions on the sustainability of the project, but they were ultimately supportive of the effort. It was good practice as the team prepares for a meeting with the Uganda Communications Commission next week.

Chris sketches for Stefan and BP

Chris sketches for Stefan and Panwar

Installing the SMS bridge

Installing the SMS bridge

For a celebratory dinner at Mama Ashanti, I had an excellent roast whole Nile perch, and Ruth had the slimiest okra and goat stew that I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. She loved it.