Adventures at home, abroad, and online

Category: Outdoors Page 3 of 10

Outdoor adventures

Death Valley Photos

I took a photo course with Jeff Sullivan and Lori Hibbett who know the park and environments incredibly well. I’ve been to the park before, but never experienced it quite like this. I don’t think I’ve seen five consecutive sunrises and sunsets since summer camp, and it was refreshing to be out of the house and somewhere new. Technically they pushed me on exposure bracketing, choosing good compositions, and just being in place for the best light. It was a great experience, and I hope to be able to travel and shoot with them again.

Dune Ridge
Photo slideshow from Flickr

Visiting Oregon

It’s smokey everywhere in California, so we drove 8 hours to the Oregon coast for some socially distanced camping, paddling and oyster eating.

Lake Behavior

Enjoying the warm weather while it lasts. Summer in the Sierras goes by fast.

Hope Valley

A weekend of skiing, relaxing, and sight seeing in South Lake Tahoe.

Burning Man Metamorphosis

I’ve heard a lot of playa stories, but going myself was a much more intense experience than I anticipated. The environment is extreme, the dust pervasive, but the city is exhilarating and the connective possibilities really are magical.

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